We believe that the way brands articulate and communicate their vision makes all the difference.

Comma Hub extends flexible ways to collaborate with companies, to achieve the desired results. Companies and brands seeking to expert communication and marketing consultancy can work with Comma Hub in three ways:


Comma Hub provides consultancy services, equipping companies and their respective teams to carry out the implementation.

Optimized Outsourcing

Ongoing marketing and communication management entails a full spectrum of marketing, communication, and branding elements, on a proactive basis. Companies can ultimately outsource recruitment, capacity building, strategy setting, implementation, and measurement to Comma Hub.

Project Management

Project-based approach, whereby the team at Comma Hub is recruited to transform one area of business, covering marketing, communication, or branding.

Change always starts from within.

As marketing, communications and branding consultants, with extensive local and regional experience, Comma Hub adopts a unique, structured and reliable way of devising strategies and implementing them. The team works on the full wheel of communication, starting from internal processes and extending to all external stakeholders, utilizing a methodical project workflow; thus guaranteeing a holistic approach to management and operation processes.

Comma Hub’s flexible work structure allows for companies to either benefit from ongoing consultancy and implementation, outsource core functions or work on ad hoc projects.

Request a Complimentary Consultation

Our consultants and experts would like to walk you through our model and how to make a difference to your business. Connect with us for a complimentary consultation.